What is metal deer fence?
Metal deer fence is a type of fencing used to keep deer in or out of an area. Metal deer fencing is typically 7ft tall, 7 1/2ft tall or 8ft tall and can range in opening size from one inch up to four inches. Metal deer fence can have all the same opening size (2x2 everywhere for example) or graduated opening sizes (smaller on the bottom, bigger on the top)
How is this type of fencing different from other conventional fencing types?
Metal deer fencing is different from other types of fencing in a few ways. It’s usually not as thick (12ga up to 20ga compared to chain link which can be 10-12ga), its usually black and is shipped in rolls (as opposed to aluminum fence which comes in panels). Metal deer fencing is made this way because it’s not very visible. The thicker the fence wire is (like chain link fence) the worse the fencing is to keep out deer. If a fence is very visible, deer will try and jump it. The best type of metal deer fencing is not very visible and repels deer.
Is metal deer fence expensive?
Metal deer fence can be expensive or less expensive depending on what you are comparing it to. Metal deer fence is much less expensive than chain link fence and more expensive than poly deer fencing.
What is the metal deer fence?
The best metal deer fence will repel any size deer running at any speed without hurting them or getting trapped in the fence. The ideal opening size for this would be 2 inch opening size metal deer fence or less. Deer can get trapped in fencing and die, for more information google “deer stuck in fence” and see the image results. 4x4 metal deer fencing is usually the worst for this.
What is the best metal deer fence for 2023?
The best metal deer fence will safely repel deer without hurting the deer or the fence. New for 2023, the trend is to build fences for this purpose higher and higher over time. The trend has also been to use a smaller opening size 1x1 metal deer fence (as opposed to earlier, more traditional fences like field fence). 1x1 metal deer fence has the advantage of also keeping other animals out besides deer and also not being very visible (like chain link or field fence)